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Showing posts from October, 2020

Scouting for Inspiration? Time to shift our gaze from the West to West Africa

The bustling Lagos Market For too long, we’ve embraced the standards set by the West as that of excellence, and strive to achieve them. We may be forgetting that professionals in the West operate on the bedrock of mature economies with the benefit of structure and resources. For those of us operating in emerging markets where time is money and creativity the need of the hour, perhaps we will go further if we replace our ‘appetite for the acclaimed’ with ‘curiosity for the unknown’. Our creative process must become more inclusive if we are to create work that sets us apart rather than one that elicits a 'seen before' response. And so, I recommend shifting our gaze away from the same sources of inspiration in the West towards unlikely sources in West Africa to stir us up.  Countries like Ghana and Nigeria have served as incubators for creatives that thrive with meager resources. From there, underdogs have emerged and broken onto the world stage  despite a severe lack of systemic