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Showing posts from 2021

Valiantly Vaccinated: A Poem

In this poem, I capture my experience getting the COVID-19 vaccine in Dubai...  At 8am I was standing in a queue There to take the vaccine, hey have you? “Don’t be scared & get it!”, they say “Not worth waiting to get the flu!” So with everyone I stood at that hour Nationality, color, age and job no bar Grocery workers, delivery drivers, Restaurant servers, business owners Men in suits, women in boots... Guards whispering, as if in cahoots! Patiently waiting, no throwing a fit, Some even making a picnic of it. Then we see nurses in blue arrive In tow are the vaccines, we feel alive 300 to administer in today’s drive. How’ll it be when I get the needle? In the left arm...for it may go feeble Any side effects if my body reacts? Stop overthinking, focus on facts An official said when he saw my ID: “Step aside”. Did I look shady? I joined three men who hadn’t a clue! “Why’re we here out of the blue?” Let’s not ask, I agreed with the guys As they took us past glancing eyes So turns out